Photo by form PxHere
Sometimes the closest we can get to our loved one is by lighting a candle. When my dad passed in 1996 it was September. The next holiday was Thanksgiving. Not wanting the empty chair to cause further grief, mom lit a candle off to the side and said “Your dad is with us today.” Now I buy candles with three wicks. I light one for dad, one for mom and one for grandma.
In a similar way, on the first Sunday of November we light a candle for each person who has died in the past 12 months. We light them knowing they are with us in spirit and live fully in God’s heavenly realm. This All Saints Sunday as we light candles for your loved one may you feel at peace knowing they are without pain or tears. Their resurrection is complete.
If you have a name you would like us to read, please get in touch with us in October.